We are proud to announce a new 2.5.1 release of "Alloy - Launcher and Automator".  


This release includes:

New "Read NFC Tags" Task

A new "Read NFC Tags" task allows reading NDEF formatted NFC tags. This task may automatically proceed right after reading one tag or it can optionally read any number of tags at once (controlled by the "Read Multiple Tags" option). 

When finished this task produces either a "NFC Payload" result or multiple "NFC Payload"s if reading of multiple tags is allowed. Each "NFC Payload" object provides textual representation of NFC data as well as typed representations for some data types like URL or WiFi Configuration.

If there is a need to handle particular data types read by this task - turn ON the "Add/Update SWITCH to Handle Result" option. Turning this option ON automatically adds a following SWITCH task that allows handling of all data types.

New "Import vCard" Task

A new "Import vCard" task allows importing contacts from the text in vCard format. If import succeeded - this task produces an array of imported Contact's.

New "Connect to WiFi Network" Task

A new "Connect to WiFi Network" task allows connecting to a WiFi network specified by its name (SSID). 

New "Read NFC Tag" Action

A new "Read NFC Tag" Action allows reading a NFC tag and performing some actions with its data depending on its data type:

  • Text - copy acquired text to clipboard and show it to the user
  • URL - open acquired URL in a Web Browser
  • Phone - dial acquired phone number
  • Contact - import acquired contacts to the Address Book
  • WiFi Configuration - connect to a WiFI network according to an acquired configuration

Also do no miss new great features introduced in previous releases of "Alloy - Launcher and Automator":

  • v2.5.0: this release introduces improved D&D on iPad, use of NFC tags to launch Alloy's Actions, background location processing etc.
  • v2.4.1: this release introduces  improved Siri Shortcuts and support of animated GIF.
  • v2.4.0: this release introduces iOS 12 and Siri Shortcuts support.
  • v2.3.0: this release introduces new iMessage Extension, lots of Actions and Task updated to support iMessage Extension etc.
  • v2.0.0: this release introduces Glances, Background and Menu workflows, new Widget, new Action Extension, bunch of new actions utilizing Glances etc.