We are proud to announce a new 3.7.0 update of " Alloy - Launcher and Automator 3".
This update includes:
Chat UI for iPad
There is a new convenient Chat UI for iPad offering common split-view with the Conversations history on the left and Chat view on the right.
Action Shortcuts
It is possible to specify several Shortcuts for an Action that can be used to quickly setup predefined Siri Shortcuts and action links. Shortcuts can be managed by editing an Action and choosing the "Options | Arguments and Shortcuts". Each Shortcut defines name, a set of arguments and the options. The context menu for an Action utilizes Shortcuts by offering corresponding choices in the "Copy | Copy Link" and "Add | Add to Siri" menus. For example, the "Save Parking" Action now includes the "Save Parking" and "Check Parking" Shortcuts that allow to use Siri or Shortcuts app to save parking and check parking status respectively.
Chat Task
Now it is possible to choose a final command by long-pressing the Done button.
A chat may include very long messages making an entire chat conversation hard to read. To overcome that, it is possible to limit size of rendered messages with ability to to expand/collapse them if needed by using the small +/- button on a side of a message.
There can be a limit for a chat conversation size imposed by particular Chat service. For example, the ChatGPT has its tokens limit defined by a model in use. Reaching that limits may lead to errors or reduced quality of answers. To let the users by aware of the limit progress - the Chat view now includes a special progress indicator in the toolbar. To show it - turn On the "Show Limit Progress" in a Chat Task and handle the "calculateLimitProgress" and "showLimitProgressExplanation" commands in the Command Workflow,
Prompts Library
It is possible to reduce prompts typing by utilizing prompts gathered from existing conversations and prompts explicitly entered as Favorites. To show prompts type space in the message entry or choose the command form the [+] menu. It is possible to add any prompt to the Favorites by using the "Add to Favorites" action from the context menu.
Improved Voice Input
The voice input now running inlaid showing the Stop button and a progress indicator right in place of the Voice Capture button. Also it is possible to quickly switch voice input language via the context menu.
Message Formatting
Some Chat services may produce formatted textual answers and the Chat view now supports that at some extent. For ChatGPT it supports basic formatting of expressions, code blocks and programs' output. There is also an ability to copy such blocks to clipboard by using inlayed Copy buttons.
ChatGPT Action
- Added presets (e.g Focused | Balanced | Creative)
- Supported tokens limit progress counting and indication
- Added support of Favorite prompts (use + menu or type space in the message entry)
- Added and handled "start-commands" and "final-command" action arguments
- Added the "get_current_date_time" function
- Added "scan-text" function
- Added the "save_file" action
Other Improvements and Fixes
- Improved the "Audio Capture"task:
- Added auto-stopping and committing on pause or on duration limit
- Added ability to run inlaid in some other views
- Improved the "Recognize Speech" task: added ability to run inlaid in some other views