Want to integrate Alloy with incredible Web-automation service Zapier? It can be done pretty easily by triggering Zapier actions (Zap's) right from Alloy's actions using Zapier's Webhooks and Alloy's "HTTP Request" tasks.
Here is a short guide:
- In Zapier:
- Sign in to Zapier and start a new Zap.
- Choose Webhooks as a trigger app and continue.
- Choose "Catch Hook" and continue.
- Skip "Pick off a Child Key" step.
- In Alloy app:
- Create a new action, go to Workflow and add a new "HTTP Request" task.
- Copy or type Zap's Webhooks URL to task's URL.
- Specify POST in the Method.
- Specify application/json in the Header.
- Specify sample data in JSON format in the Body. Zapier will use that sample data to discover and define trigger's fields.
- Save the "HTTP Request" task.
- In Zapier: Click the "OK, I did it" button.
- In Alloy:
- Run workflow to test just created Webhook.
- Save the action.
- In Zapier: wait for test completion and continue.
That's it! Now you can continue building your Zap utilizing fields, that will be propagated from Alloy.