We are proud to announce a new v1.6 release of "Alloy - Launcher and Automator". This update includes the following features and improvements:

- Improved 3D Touch support:

 ∙ "Peek and Pop" for actions and folders

 ∙ "Peek and Pop" for Action Directory entries

- News (RSS) Support:

 ∙ New "Load RSS Feed" task

 ∙ New "Speak News" action

 ∙ New "Open News" action

 ∙ New "Edit News Feeds" action

- Added support of FTP for Cloud Download and Upload tasks

- New "Upload Videos" action

- New Timer+ actions

- New actions to calculate travel time to a default or chosen contact

- New "Speak Text" and "Speak Clipboard" actions

- Added "Timeout" and "Skip Error Messages" properties to "HTTPRequest" task

- Added local search to the Location Editor

- Added removal of unused downloaded content during removal of temporary files

- New blur filters for "Apply Photo Filter" task

- Added UI to "Text to Speech" task

- Added support of max count for "Filter Array" task

- Added support of text and URL data types for "Edit List" task

- Improved rendering of tasks in Workflow Editor

- Fixed issues with password storing for "HTTPRequest" task

- Fixed improper rendering of expressions for WHILE and IF tasks

- Fixed a crash while editing of complex workflows

Here are some helpful links:
- App Preview Video: https://youtu.be/VVrWK93qiq8
- How to Design Action Video: https://youtu.be/BmWhLdnCSzw
- Alloy Getting Started Guide: http://bit.ly/1IeGBy0
- Alloy Integration Guide: http://bit.ly/1RRrrt7