This update includes the following features and improvements:
- Video Support:
∙ New "Choose Videos" task
∙ New "Save Videos" task
∙ New "Trim Videos" task
∙ New "Square Videos" task
- Added support of photos metadata:
∙ Added "Get Photos Metadata" task
∙ Added "Get Photos Location" task
- New "Network Status" task
- New "Detect Language" task
- New "Compress Photos with TinyPNG" action
- New GoodTask actions
- New SBB Mobile actions
- Improved "Cloud Share" task to support all type of attachments e.g. videos
- Added support of custom format for Date values e.g. %yyyy-MM-dd 'at' HH:mm
- Improved handling of cached photos
- Improved open URL procedure
- Improved "Get Reminders" task:
∙ getting reminders from specific list(s)
∙ getting reminders having no due date
- Improved "Get Events" task to allow getting events from specific calendar(s)
- Added ability to return app link to posts to "Cloud Share" | Evernote task
- Improved clipboard support for copying photos
- Improved readability of Case tasks by supporting "Case Name" property
- Added ability to return link to posts to "Cloud Share" | Evernote task
- Improved "Add Reminder" task:
∙ Added URL, priority and completed properties
∙ Changed handling of empty date - no due date will be set up
- "TaskPaper" format support:
∙ new parseTaskPaper property for String type
∙ new "TaskPaper" action to allow adding reminders specified in TaskPaper format
- Added ability to detect language to "Text to Speech task
- Added "base64Encode" property to String
- Added ability to post binary data to "HTTPRequest" Task
- Added ability to save photos to a specific album to "Save Photos" task